The Jewish World Order 622 BC – 2013 AD

There are many different theories about who actually controls the New World Order. Some say it is the interconnecting network of groups centered around the Bilderberg Society which has close relations with the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute on International Affairs. At one time Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and David Rockefeller were simultaneously Co-Chairmen of both the Bilderberg Society and the Trilateral Commission. But Eustace Mullins tells us that JP Morgan, the Rockefellers, the Harrimans and the Bush family were Rothschilds cut outs who were given wealth and power to act in behalf of the City of London. Mullins also said that every bank with the word City in it refers to the City of London. The third founder of the Bilderberg Society was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.

Some would say that the real power lies in the hands of the Black Nobility of Europe which would force them to claim that Prince Bernhard was the real power behind  Bilderberg and the New World Order. But the Dutch Royal family is a business partner of the Rothschilds in Royal Dutch Shell which had been started by a Jew named Marcus Samuel. The term Black Nobility does not mean the nobles of Europe were African immigrants. Black refers to the evilness of their deeds and to their power within the black robed Catholic church. Many of these European bloodlines can trace their origins back to Venice, the town that in 1348 bankrupted Europe with their fractional reserve banking system. Many of the noble families of Venice were originally from Phoenicia and were therefore related to the Canaanites as were the Jews of the Bible. At the time of Emperor Constantine H G Wells tells us that the Carthaginians chose to convert to Judaism rather than Roman Catholicism due to their animosity to Rome. Carthage was a Phoenician colony. Therefore the Carthaginian converts who became Sephardic Jews were of the same blood as the Venetian nobility. The bankers of Venice were not put to death after 1348. They fled to the Netherlands and their heirs set up fractional reserve banking there and in England.

The majority of modern Jews are Ashkenazis. Everyone knows the Khazars converted to Judaism. The Khazars also took into their conversion process many Slavs which explains why so many Ashkenazi Jews look European while others look Asian like their cousins the Armenians. The Khazars were indoctrinated into Jewish teachings by rabbis imported from Iraq and neighboring states who had invented the Talmud. The word Slav is the root for the modern word slave. Before the Khazars became Jews they were slave trading Slavs to their clients in the Mideast. To this day Jews run the white slavery sex trafficking rings worldwide which kidnaps 250,000 mostly women and children a year. In Hawaii a Jew who had been caught trafficking hundreds of Asian men to work without pay was let go because Jews are above the law. You will remember the Talmud said that ‘as soon as we get control of their government it is permissible to rob them’ just as they do today on Wall Street.

Adam Weishaupt is a perfect symbol of the New World Order in the modern era. He is Jewish, was a Jesuit professor, worked for a German Saxe-Coburg duke though some say the latter family originally spelled Sachs and was Jewish. This family produced the present monarchs of the UK though Prince Charles traces his ancestry further back to Vlad the Impaler of Transylvania who is depicted in modern literature as a vampire. Weishaupt was also a member of the Freemasons and a founder of the Illuminati. Some say the Jesuits and the Catholic church run the NWO, but the Rothschilds have been bankers to the church since 1827. The Freemasons did not have a Grand or governing Lodge until 1717. The Masons who originated in England. Their mythical origins grew with the telling. Originally they were a Guild of stone masons who later took in speculative members who were not stone workers but attracted to their philosophy and religion.  Claims were made that they could trace their origins back to the builders of the Temple of Solomon and to the Israelis who built the Great Pyramid of Egypt. What poppycock. There were only 1,600 people in Jerusalem at the time of David and Solomon. Israel Finkelstein, the archaeologist who wrote the Bible Unearthed, tells us there never was a Temple of Solomon and the Israelis were never taken captive in Egypt and there was no united kingdom of Israel and Judah. And of course the events of the Passover never happened except in the Bible writers overactive imagination.

The Freemasons did incorporate much of Jewish Kabbalah and its doctrine and practices. It was from the Kabbalah’s 32 paths to Ain Soph Aur or Light without limit that accounts for the 33 paths or steps of the Freemasons with Light as the final step. There are 10 levels plus the Light without limit that are connected by these 32 paths or 33 if you count the Light. At the lower levels the Masons are told this Light is God. It is not. It is Lucifer. The Illuminati, the Freemasons and the Jews are all connected to the Satanists. The modern church of Satan was created by a Jew. When the French revolution came along, it was the Illuminati through the Freemasons who played the greatest role. Contrary to the history which have been edited by the Jews not all of the wealthy French people were persecuted. Not one Gentile dared to do one thing against either the Rothschild bank or family.

Some say the Khazars were devil worshipers before they converted to Talmudic Judaism. Twice in their history half or more of all Jews accepted a Satanist as their Messiah. The first was Sabbatai Zevi. who was forcibly converted to Islam by the Sultan of Turkey. His followers formed the Donmeh sect and were responsible for the Armenian massacre during WW I. They are influential in Turkey to this day. The other Satanist leader was rabbi Jacob Frank. Some have said Karl Marx was also a Satanist. He wrote a play in his youth whose hero said he would gladly go into the Abyss (Hell) if he could take half of all mankind with him. The Jews did kill 60 million human beings after they took over Russia. And the Jews had 58 million people killed in WW II after the German military tried to surrender in March of 1939. And the Japanese Emperor had tried repeatedly surrender from 1936 inward which was even before the Rape of Nanking.

I should mention the symbolic significance of 911. George Bush announced a New World Order on 9-11- 1990. 11 years layer on 9-11-2001 the Jews of Israel and America took down World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 by controlled demolition. It was covered up by the Jews of the media and academia. The symbolic significance of 911. There are 10 levels or steps  to God in mystical Judaism. 9-11 signifies a man who goes to the 11th level on his own from the 9th or highest level on this side in his own without God. Most people would think this is either blasphemous or insane. Exactly 10 years after 9-11 on 11-9-2011 there was a test of the EAS system which allowed DHS to take control of the media and the Internet for 3 minutes. 11-9 is just the European way for writing 9-11. Alex Jones went on a rant the day following the Super Bowl about the power being out for 33 1/2 minutes after a singer flashed an Illuminati hand sign. I put the video below. The Illuminati, the Bilderbergers and even the Jews are nor as important as they believe. But it is the Jews alone who make all of these groups able to do what they do and get away with it. Without the Jews the truth of the JFK assassination and 911 would have been known long ago. And we would have had been able to institute bank and monetary reform thus saving tens of millions of Gentiles from starvation if it were not for the Jews.

The Jews did not create their awful psychopathic web of illusions which has masqueraded as a religion until 622 BC. The Bible tells you what their religion is all about in Deuteronomy 6:11

houses full of all good things which you did not fill, and hewn cisterns which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant, and you eat and are satisfied,

I have always thought of Judaism Incorporated as a criminal enterprise of insane people. They are not a race. And anyone who honestly reads the Old Testament could never think of it as a religion designed to make us a better people. Jews are loyal to their leaders as only the loyal members of this criminal enterprise receive the benefits of Being Jewish. Is there any other reason why the Jews have allowed Jewish bankers to steal tens of trillions of dollars?

The world did very well without the Jews  in the past. I am not saying that the Jews run the entire world today. I am not saying that Jews come to an end in 2013. What I am saying is that the present World Order will collapse this year. What will happen to Jews and to Gentiles I cannot say. But I am fully persuaded that this is the year it all comes crashing down.

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This is the video I mentioned: Illuminati Ritual at Super Bowl Exposed

About horse237

I have decided to share two of the visions I had as a child. When I was eight, I had a vision of a future war that killed 99.5% of the world's population. When I was 16 and living in the projects, I had a vision of my future. I was to live in complete obscurity until it came time to stop WW III. When I was about ten, I had read a bio of Nikita Khrushchev which said he survived Stalin by playing the bumbling fool an old Russian peasant trick. I decided to do the same as I had already learned that we did not live in a democracy. The other vision I had when I was in third grade was of the Mind of God and how it interacted in the creation of the world we see. I believe you and I were born at this time precisely so we would have an opportunity to stop this war. As for my personal info, I grew up on military bases and in housing projects. My legs atrophied from starvation as a child. My second step-father died in prison. I used to have to rub my skin to simulate human contact. They did not feed me when I was a child. I do not fight in their wars as an adult.
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33 Responses to The Jewish World Order 622 BC – 2013 AD

  1. Joe says:

    Albert Pike was a satanist also : A jew from Boston who went down South to New Orleans and pretended to be a Southerner. Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin [ on The City’s payroll ] and assorted wealthy Southern plantation owners fomented the War-Between-The-States. They wanted what they called a Golden Circle Empire. They wanted to break off with North, and join together with Mexico, the West Indies, Central America, Brazil, and move the capital of their “beloved” Dixie to Havana, Cuba.
    The jewish B’nai B’rith/ADL was started in the 19th century freemasonry halls of Charleston, South Carolina. Their goal was to rip the US apart so as to have their golden circle slave [ and opium ] empire.
    Judah Benjamin and August Belmont [ the City’s agent up North] were very much in cahoots.
    After losing the war, many Southern wealthy [ many jews] went North to Wall St and Washington and agitated for empire from the North.
    They won when McKinley was assassinated and Teddy Roosevelt took the presidency. Teddy was a golden circle boy. His mother’s family were Bullocks — a Southern family who played a big role in Civil War. They won again with Woodrow Wilson — another Southern golden circle boy — who signed The Federal Reserve Act, effectively handing the US over to the complete control of Rothschilds and other banking families in Europe. Basically, the US was sold down-the-river to communist jews. We see the results today.
    What many call the “yankee empire” is really an empire that was dreamed up in the satanic/jewish/freemasonry halls of Charleston, South Carolina.
    The war was not about tariffs, or state’s rights, not really.
    All this info is online now. You won’t find the info in the abridged history books in the libraries and bookstores.
    Google : ” Judah Benjamin + Golden Circle +”
    Good place to start for anyone interested in the subject.
    I mention this because there are more and more Southern secession websites starting up — all of them conveniently leave out the part of Southern history regarding the Golden Circle. It’s almost as if the webmasters of these sites are drooling for war here in the States — and NOT because they’re opposed to Uncle Sam’s agenda, that’s the osrensible reason : It’s more like they want to get a civil war gong so Uncle Sam will have a real good excuse to impose a very heavy-duty police state on all of us.
    That’s the impression I get from many secession websites. I’ve been banned from many secession websites because I mention the golden circle, albert pike, august belmont, judah benjamin,etc.. I get banned when I mention the Federal Reserve can be traced back [ to a large degree] to the jew/masonic halls of South Carolina. Southerners are not supposed to know that. Southerners are to just want to get back at “the damn yankees”.
    We truly do live in a world of bullsh*t, that’s for sure. And yes, much of it is satanic in origin, as it’s all about divisions, hatred, violence, and war.
    Thank you for your website, your time and work.

  2. preacher says:

    I wonder what this is:

  3. Joe says:

    @ preacher

    It’s probably the next Super Bowl half-time- show *star* performer . It’s practicing for next years half-time occult/satanic extravaganza.

  4. Pingback: The Master Plan - Page 21 - Stormfront

  5. Old Fart says:

    Reblogged this on Dogma and Geopolitics and commented:
    The Jews did not create their awful psychopathic web of illusions which has masqueraded as a religion until 622 BC. The Bible tells you what their religion is all about in Deuteronomy 6:11

    houses full of all good things which you did not fill, and hewn cisterns which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant, and you eat and are satisfied,

    I have always thought of Judaism Incorporated as a criminal enterprise of insane people. They are not a race. And anyone who honestly reads the Old Testament could never think of it as a religion designed to make us a better people. Jews are loyal to their leaders as only the loyal members of this criminal enterprise receive the benefits of Being Jewish. Is there any other reason why the Jews have allowed Jewish bankers to steal tens of trillions of dollars?

    The world did very well without the Jews in the past. I am not saying that the Jews run the entire world today. I am not saying that Jews come to an end in 2013. What I am saying is that the present World Order will collapse this year. What will happen to Jews and to Gentiles I cannot say. But I am fully persuaded that this is the year it all comes crashing down.

  6. there were never any so-called ‘jews” in the Old Testament.

    Mullins book the Biological Jew gives some insight into the genetic predisposition of the creatures Jesus called the offspring of the Devil in John 8:44….although that conversation was not in Yiddish.

    The Sephavaim were mixed breed tribes put in Samaria when the Kingdom of Israel migrated to Europe during the “Assyrian” captivity…. the fog bank of jewishness really doesn’t appear until the braindeadgoy start getting programmed by Talmudvision circa 1966;article=143992

    or was it the “Civil War”…?

  7. Joe says:

    @ Anthony Clifton

    I think the “programming” started big time at the turn of the 19-20th century. The Scofeld bible was first published in 1909. The bible that places the jews and israel at the very center of the universe. The Rothschilds financed Scofeld. Scofeld was either a jew, or half-jew. Whatever he was, he was definitely on the payroll of the jew bankers. All the info is online for anyone interested.
    The Scofeld bible came out, very conveniently, around the same time Roosevelt was pushing for a worldwide US empire [ a golden circle ] , around the same time the zionist leaders started agitating for “their” Middle East “holy land”, and 4 years ahead of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Very convenient. Very timely. The Scofeld bible : Not a coincidence, not at all.

  8. M.A. says:

    In the Persian Empire of Cyrus,Darius and Xerxes,a family of hebrews-the Ecbibi-based in Babylon but with branches all over the Empire,,dominated the financial life of the Achmaenid kingdom.

    They had a network remarkably similar to that of the Rothschilds of the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe.

  9. AppaluseForVidRebel says:

    “Die Flut Kommt” is found at Hardon’s Blog. Adolf Hitler said:

    “He who would live must fight. He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.”

  10. AdmirerOfVidRebel says:

    I referred to this report at John Friend’s Blog and at the Wayne Madsen Report forum. I certainly pray that this Jewish Empire ends before I die. “Die Flutt Kommt” can be viewed at Hardon’s Blog. Adolf Hitler wrote:

    “He who would live must fight. He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of the life, has not the right to exist.

  11. AdmirerOfVidRebel says:

    Btw, the Bible is not the world of God, and the historical ‘truths’ and personages featured therein may not be.

  12. evetually the language will be refined so that two rational adults can speak of and understand the same thing while having a conversation…

    The words “Jew” and “Israel” are – DE FACTO – Antonyms !!

    Two opposites cannot be the same thing…

    Define Irony….

    There were no “Jews” in the Old Testament…

    Identity thieves from 700BC to 2013AD are still Identity thieves…
    the Khazars just signed on to be the Suckers…Oy Vey !!

  13. Pingback: Patrick J Buchanan: Endless war? - Page 3 - Stormfront

  14. AdmirerOfVidRebel says:

    corr: I meant to type “historical EVENTS” not “historical truths” in my last entry. Thanks.

  15. Pingback: The Jewish World Order 622 BC – 2013 AD « zaidpub

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  17. rootoflies says:

    May I challenge your Jewish history? The Jews never were and are Israelites, those are two completely different groups. they have never practiced the “ways of moses”: but rather the evil practices of their talmud. the modern jews are a mixture of canaanites: kennites, phoenicians, samaritans and edomites(amalekites especially), the Venetians were mostly Samaritans mixed in with phoenicians, the talmud is essentially the practices the Samaritans brought with them from Iraq/babylon during their displacement many centuries ago. the Samaritans gave Justinian (who was one of Christianity’s greatest emperor’s and is responsible for today’s UCC-International and civil laws) a headache just like the jews of today give everyone a headache. he dealt them such a big blow that they had to change their identity and re-invent themselves, they have always assimilated themselves with Israelites although in identity only since the Israelites traditionally never integrated with them since the time of Ezra, the Israelites did exist but they were depicted as hyksos or myceneans by the egyptians, the Mycenaean archeological evidence and information points to the fact that they identified themselves with Israelites, one of the least torturous method of research into these is a well presented documentary called: the Exodus decoded.
    Another important point: all the world including Michel-Angelo knew the Israelites were black, they were painted black by Michel-Angelo in the Sistine chapel, and so were they also painted black in the roman burial caves and byzantine orthodox churches, these is the true identity of the Israelites, the Mycenaean also always portrayed themselves with dark skin. Jesus is portrayed in the jewish-hated christian new testament with skin the color of burnt(oxidized) copper which is dark brown, he’s depicted the same way in the book of Daniel, there is much history that has been re-written by the Jewish Jesuits(society of Jesus established by jewish conversos Loyola with backing from Jewish marrano families like Borgia and Venetian samaritans) and backed by their jewish catholic popes just like the rockefellers and the jews re-wrote recent WW2 History.

    • horse237 says:

      I have said that Israel and Judah were 2 separate kingdoms. Please don’t tell me that Israelis were black. I do not have time for that.

      • rootoflies says:

        okay then, i see you don’t have time for truth, but I can promise you this, the U.S.A is not a saintly country, it has done some horrible things to people, and worst of all and the main reason for your coming doom which includes the sinking of over half your country is the way it has treated the real Israelites- the black slaves imported from Africa and treated worse than dogs, also the genocide of the black aborigine Indians that European immigrants found in this continent. Judah and the Jews are two completely different people’s, if you look at an old Portuguese or Spanish map you will see judea is in west africa. the sun and radiation-including nuclear radiation is only a worry for those who lack the blue or black melanin that can absorb that radiation and store it as energy, most europeans do not have the right melanin to cope with solar flares and nuclear radiation. you have no hope and you waste your time posting on “a war on the bankers” you are a century too late for that, they will also pay but first it’s time for you guys to pay and prepare for hundreds of millions of dead bodies. unfortunately also black people’s will have to be killed alongside you, they have to eradicate them because they know radiation makes them stronger.

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  23. Avram Cohen says:

    These black Israelite people are nothing but wanna be quacks! The lowest IQ people on the planet

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