The 68 Senators Who Voted To Destroy America

Make no mistake about it. The vote to give Amnesty to 30 million illegal aliens already here plus the millions that will come here in the future will destroy America. We have a deficit of 4 trillion dollars on infrastructure repairs that needs to be addressed before we increase our population with low paid unskilled workers. We also have a 22% unemployment rate. And we have a trillion dollar structural deficit that cannot be reduced by adding 30 to 50 million people to those eligible for benefits. There is a provision which gives employers a subsidy for health care for illegal aliens. This will give businesses an incentive to hire illegals and firing citizens. Obamacare has already shifted lots of Americans from full time to part time work so businesses could avoid paying health care. Disposable income is dropping like a rock because so many part time workers . There never will be a recovery.

I soon noticed when I did the research on this list that all nine of the Jews, all five of the Mormons and all three of the Senators who had been appointed by their governor to fill the terms of men who either died or otherwise left office. If those 17 had not voted, this bill might never have passed a filibuster cloture vote. Mormons have an affection for Mexico because many of their ancestors fled to Mexico to avoid arrest for polygamy. And many Mormons even today take Mexican women as plural wives.

This bill will die in the House but the House Speaker who is in my opinion a traitor to the American people has promised his own version. We might not even have a government next year as I expect an economic collapse and nation wide food riots so congressional bills might soon be moot. The Obama administration and the corporate media have been trying to start race riots over the Trayvon Martin case in Florida. This could nasty if a not guilty verdict comes when the dollar dies.

The following is a list of the 68 people who voted to destroy America when they said Yea to Amnesty.

Alexander (R-TN) All you need to know about him is that he was a professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and that Time magazine wrote of him many years ago as one of America’s 20 future leaders. He voted for NDAA.
Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) When she was State Attorney General she failed to prosecute an obvious Ponzi scheme called Financial Resources Mortgage. As Senator, she supports Security Theater over the Bill of Rights. She voted for NDAA.
Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) Describes herself as a progressive. She is a lesbian and partially of Jewish descent. She spent 5 million dollars more than her Republican opponent. She probably thinks adding 30 million Mexican voters will make America a better place for Democrats.
Max Baucus (D-MT) He allowed two heath care lobbyists to write the Obamacare bill which will destroy the finances of America in 2014. He wisely decided to not run for re-election. This Amnesty bill will destroy America.
Mark Begich (D-AK) . I expected more from him. I will listen to no more apologies from his brother Nick. He voted for NDAA.
Michael Bennet (D-CO) He has a Jewish mother and declines to state his religious affiliation. His father and grandfather worked for Democratic presidents since FDR. He supported PIPA until supporters of Internet freedom convinced him to switch.
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) He is Jewish. His father was a commodities broker in New York. He believes in man made Global Warming. He voted for NDAA.
Barbara Levy Boxer (D-CA) She is Jewish. She supports PIPA. And voted for machine vote counting as opposed to paper ballots. Bev Harris has found code in American voting machines that multiplies the vote totals of selected candidates. Amnesty will make elections meaningless.
Sherrod Brown (D-OH) He is a liberal who voted for the 2012 NDAA which gives the President the authority to arrest Americans and hold them without trial or even access to an attorney. No Due Process for you. 30 million Latinos will be coming here from countries where there is no Bill of Rights.
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)She voted for NAFTA and CAFTA which sent 12 million jobs overseas and gave us structural trillion dollar deficits. She also voted for the Iraq war. She voted for NDAA.
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) He is Jewish. He supported an amendment to a bill that would make it even more difficult for whistleblowers to come forward. He voted for NDAA.
Thomas Carper (D-DE) He is a co-author along with Joe Lieberman of the Internet Kill Switch bill. He also voted for credit card companies over consumers to allow higher interest rates. He voted for NDAA.
Robert Casey Jr (D-PA) He is a strong supporter of SOPA which would with other bills supported by him have ended Internet freedom. He voted for NDAA.
Jeffrey Chiesa (R-NJ) . He was appointed Senator by Governor Chris Christie. Prior to that he had been appointed state Attorney General by the governor whom he had first met while working at a law firm. This man is a liar. He said we must first secure our borders. This Amnesty bill does not do that.
Susan Collins (R-ME) She is supposed to be a liberal but supported the ending of habeas corpus when she voted for the Military Commissions Act of 2006.
Chris Coons (D-DE) He is a committed Leftist. In college he wrote an article entitled “Chris Coons: The Making of a Bearded Marxist”. But he voted for NDAA.
Bob Corker (R-TN) He is a liberal Republican who opposes re-implementing Glass Steagall which had been repealed in 1999. This act was passed in 1933 and had prevented banks from taking risky bets with depositors in the stock market.
Mo Cowan (D-MA) He was appointed by Governor Patrick to fill John Kerry’s seat after his resignation. As a black man, he should be ashamed of what he has done to poor blacks. Amnesty will destroy them.
Joe Donnelly (D-IN) He supported funding the 2011 war against the Libyan people. He opposed withdrawal from Afghanistan. He had been a conservative congressman but reversed himself on gay marriage now that he is in the Senate.
Dick Durbin (D-IL) He was named by Time as one of America’s 10 best Senators. If Time likes you, the voters should not. Most disturbing of all is that he rooms with Chuck Schumer in Washington. He voted for the Iraq war despite knowing, as a member of the Senate Intelligence committee, Bush’s charges of WMDs were false.
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) She is Jewish and the most corrupt Senator in Washington. She voted for NDAA. See article in Notes below on corruption.
Jeff Flake (R-AZ) A recall is being organized in Arizona for Flake and McCain. If these cretins are recalled, it will put some fear into Washington. Arizona law allows recalls but most other states do not.
Al Franken (D-MN) He is Jewish and was first elected on stolen votes. He voted for NDAA.

Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY) She ran for congress as a conservative in upstate New York. After becoming a Senator she became a liberal switching her vote from anti to pro Amnesty. She supported the Protect IP Act which really was a copyright issue against Internet freedom. She voted for NDAA.
Lindsey Graham (R-SC) actually said we need illegal aliens to work on our golf courses and to lower our wages. I don’t have to tell you he is warmonger.
Kay Hagan (D-NC) She was a co-sponsor of the Protect IP Act. She voted for NDAA.
Tom Harkin (D-IA) He is the second largest recipient of funds from pro-Israel lobbyists. He is retiring and will not be missed by anyone in the anti-war movement.
Orrin Hatch (R-UT) He supported higher H1-B visas which means college grads can’t find jobs and older employed Americans are laid off so their employers can find people at half the wage. He once said that the computer equipment of people suspected of illegally downloading copyrighted material should be destroyed. At that time his office was using pirated software. His former aides and son are lobbyists. They receive money from the Pharmaceutical interests that donated to the Senator’s pet charity back in Utah. He is a Mormon.
Martin Heinrich (D-NM) Has worked on Sierra Club projects. He supports Cap and Trade for carbon emissions. He is an ally of Al Gore.
Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) Do not see much on her.
Dean Heller (R-NV) He is a Mormon and has a Jewish last name. He voted for NDAA.
Mazie Hirono (D-HI) She was born in Fukushima Japan. She serves on the Senete Judiciary committee and dealt with immigration issues there.
John Hoeven (R-ND) He was a popular governor due to shale oil and fracking making the people wealthy. He voted for the NDAA bill that gutted the Bill of Rights and habeas corpus.
Tim Johnson (D-SD) He is chairman of the Senate banking committee which does its best to protect the criminals of Wall Street. He defeated John Thune in 2002 in an election that was marked by strong allegations of vote fraud.
Tim Kaine (D-VA) He supports ‘smart growth’ which is a code word for Agenda 21. See the Movie Hunger Games to learn more about Agenda 21. He favors an Internet sales tax.
Angus King (I-ME) He is a former governor. Perhaps he lives too far from the Mexican border. I would donate to a fund to let all 68 Amnesty voters to spend a week in East LA without body guards and guns.
Mark Kirk (R-IL) has secret web pages for his Jewish donors. He a one of the strongest supporters of Israel in DC. He was in Naval Intelligence where he met his now ex-wife. This explains a lot. He voted for NDAA.
Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) She is a typical Washington liberal. She tried to make it a felony to engage in unauthorized web streaming when she introduced S978 The Commercial Felony Streaming Act. She voted for NDAA.
Mary Landrieu (D-LA) She probably benefited from election fraud in her 1996 race. She decided to vote for Obamacare only after her state was given a gift of 300 million dollars for its Medicaid fund. She voted for the Patriot act and its extension. And she voted for the NDAA bill.
Patrick Leahy (D-VT) This guy has been in the Senate too long. He is called Leaky Leahy by some because he runs to the press with leaks to get more attention though he seems to be doing less of that in his old age.
Carl Levin (D-MI) He is Jewish. He is not seeking re-election. Time said he is one of America’s 10 best Senators. So far all the Jews and all of the Mormons in the Senate have voted for Amnesty. But we have further to go down the list.
Joe Manchin (D-WV) He bought 17 flat screen TVs for the Governor’s mansion after winning election. He is an opponent of Bitcoin. He voted for NDAA.
John McCain (R-AZ) Recently while off his meds he wandered away from his nursing home into an Al Qaeda camp inside Syria. He said we need to give these guys more weapons. There is a petition to have him arrested. I wrote an article about that. See Notes below.
Claire McCaskill (D-MO) used taxpayer money for her use of a private airplane she co-owned with her husband and friends.  The plane was used for 90 flights. She also failed to pay property taxes on the plane. Her ex-husband was murdered. Her current husband is a nursing home operator who loaned her failed gubenatorial campaign 1.6 million dollars. She voted for NDAA.
Bob Menendez (D-NJ) He lists no religion but he has a Sephardic Jewish last name and has a Jewish wife. If you remember the trial of the Menendez brothers of LA who murdered their parents, you might remember they thought about seeking asylum in Israel.
Jeff Merkley (D-OR) Another typical liberal voting record.
Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) Her mother has a name (Kutz) that can be both Jewish and Gentile. I am leaning towards classifying her as of Jewish descent but will not do so without more evidence. She is a former social worker and community organizer who believes that we can form a nation of communities with a hundred million immigrants in a country without jobs and soon without pensions, infrastructure and sufficient tax revenue for police protection. She voted for NDAA.
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) She voted for the NDAA. She has become more liberal since losing the Republican primary. She won the general election as a write in candidate.
Chris Murphy (D-CT) He is very special. He graduated from Oxford’s Exeter college. Oxford grads have ruined Great Britain.
Patty Murray (D-WA) This woman is not Jewish but her husband has a Jewish name. She voted for NDAA.
Bill Nelson (D-FL) He voted to send even more jobs overseas (CAFTA). He is opposed to GMO labeling. He voted for NDAA.
Mark Pryor (D-AR) He is a member of an odd religious cult called The Family. He voted for the NDAA bill.
Jack Reed (D-RI) This man does not think for himself. He follows his liberal party line. When asked about giving Social Security benefits to illegal aliens, he was not capable of admitting that this would take benefits away from Americans and legal immigrants. He voted for NDAA.
Harry Reid (D-NV) He is a Mormon and has a wife who is the daughter of Jewish immigrants. He said that no Hispanic should be a Republican which might be one reason he supports Amnesty. He voted for NDAA.
Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) John D Rockefeller was made a rich man by a Rothschild owned bank. The Rockefellers have been part of the Rothschild network as have the Bush family, the Harrimans, J P Morgan and Goldman Sachs. He introduced the Cyber Security Act into the Senate. He voted for NDAA.
Marco Rubio (R-FL) He is a white Cuban whose family were practicing Mormons until 1984 when he took his first communion as a Catholic. He claims he is a Catholic but attends a Southern Baptist church. This cretin has presidential ambitions and sees the Mexican vote as a key. Nonsense. Mexicans do not really like Cubans. He is pro GMO. He voted for NDAA.
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) He is Jewish. He is a socialist. He believes in man made Global Warming.
Brian Emanuel Schatz (D-HI) His family is Jewish but he declines to state his religion. He was appointed to the Senate by Governor Abercrombie over the last wishes of Senator Inouye.
Chuck Schumer (D-NY) He is Jewish. He supported the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act which became the Patriot Act. He voted for NDAA. For some reason even liberal Jews do not trust Gentiles.
Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) She said Clinton adviser Sandy Berger convinced her to support the war against Iraq. As governor, she supported a state sales tax and even video poker slot machines to raise revenue.
Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) She supports the Fairness Doctrine which would let Democrats get both Republicans and people with with alternative views. She believes in man made Global Warming. She voted for the NDAA which allows for detention of Gentiles without trial. She kept her first husband’s name and is divorced twice. She is not Jewish but is a strong supporter pf Israel and the National Security State.
Jon Tester (D-MT) He voted against the DREAM act saying his constituents opposed it but voted for Amnesty. Go figure that. He also voted for NDAA.
Mark Udall (D-CO) He is from a prominent Mormon political family but was raised Presbyterian. He specifies no religion. He voted for NDAA.
Tom Udall (D-NM) He is a Mormon. But he has one child who uses her mother’s last name. He voted for NDAA. He votes with Democrats 97% of the time as do many liberal politicians.
Mark Warner (D-VA) He is a Bilderberger. He voted for NDAA.
Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) She has kept the last name of her first husband. She was a lawyer and worked with Democrats on TARP. She wrote books and gave lectures explaining how American workers make 30% less in real after tax and inflation than they did in 1970.
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) He voted for NDAA. He has been accused of Insider Trading but that has been made legal by the Congress. He believes in man made Global Warming and thinks Obama’s carbon emission taxes will be a good thing.
Ron Wyden (D-OR) He is Jewish. His father’s name was originally Weidenreich.


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About horse237

I have decided to share two of the visions I had as a child. When I was eight, I had a vision of a future war that killed 99.5% of the world's population. When I was 16 and living in the projects, I had a vision of my future. I was to live in complete obscurity until it came time to stop WW III. When I was about ten, I had read a bio of Nikita Khrushchev which said he survived Stalin by playing the bumbling fool an old Russian peasant trick. I decided to do the same as I had already learned that we did not live in a democracy. The other vision I had when I was in third grade was of the Mind of God and how it interacted in the creation of the world we see. I believe you and I were born at this time precisely so we would have an opportunity to stop this war. As for my personal info, I grew up on military bases and in housing projects. My legs atrophied from starvation as a child. My second step-father died in prison. I used to have to rub my skin to simulate human contact. They did not feed me when I was a child. I do not fight in their wars as an adult.
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7 Responses to The 68 Senators Who Voted To Destroy America

  1. Salvatore says:

    Maybe they’ll put a provision in the amnesty bill to ship all the Puerto Ricans and Dominicans in New York City to Salt Lake and Provo.

    The Mormon eschatology is that someday they’ll join together with the Indian tribes of America and wipe out all the WHITE Non-Mormon White Americans [ especially White Catholics of European descent, though brown race-mixed, mestizo, aboriginal catholics are okay ] — then they’ll all Hie to Kolob, and get their very own planets to rule over. Scientology is derived from Mormonism. Mormonism is derived from the Jew’s Kabalah. [ not sure the correct spelling. I see it spelled a million different ways ].

  2. vvooiitt says:

    Only in brain-dead America, can jews get away with this criminal treasonous act.

  3. Salvatore says:

    The Shriners — another powerful group of Freemasons [ Mormonism is Freemasonry also] — aren’t too bright either. They wear the Red Fez hats of Donmeh Sufism/Islam. The RED symbolizes the blood of slaughtered Christians — and White Christians, too boot. They don’t care. Quite the opposite, they love wearing the Red Fez hats [ tabooshes ]. Lots of Shriners in Washington D.C., unfortunately. There’s a giant monument to the “greatest” Satanic Freemason of all , Albert Pike , right dab in the middle of Washington, D.C..

    It would still be horrible if the Red symbolized the blood of Non-White Christians, or the blood of any slaughtered group of people. Still, there’s something especially disgusting & putrid when one celebrates the slaughtered victims of one’s own Race. How smirky-faced, stupid, venal, mercenary, and brain-dead does it get?

  4. Susana says:

    I think: Illegal immigration amnesty is to fester RACIAL tensions in order to usher in martial law and then unleash the Black Awakening/Super Soldiers — Spring 2014, from what I’ve researched.

    • horse237 says:

      I have said before that we would have a Black President when the economy is ready to collapse.

      I said that since I left Boston in 1982.

      Illegal immigration is designed to create a race war that will kill whites and blacks.

      The goal is to destroy America. There will be a wave of scientifically generated plagues that will kill all races that do not have that Universal Vaccine I have written of before. They have underground bunkers for millions of people. Too bad for the millions of Jews and billions of others who have not ticket for an underground bunker and does not already have that Universal Vaccine.

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