Wigner, Fukushima, Tesla, and the Brains of a Gerbil

The United States government exploded 1,200 above ground nuclear and thermonuclear bomb test after WW II. Above ground tests were stopped by President Kennedy and the Nuclear Test Ban treaty. Strontium 90 replaces calcium in the human body. Its presence in the pelvis of a pregnant woman greatly increased the chances her baby would be born with a birth defect. So we ask ourselves why we did all of those tests?

Every thermonuclear bomb released 2,000 radionuclides. A radionuclide  also referred to as a radioisotope or radioactive isotope is an atom with an unstable nucleus. It is characterized by excess energy available to be imparted either to a newly created radiation particle within the nucleus or via internal conversion. During this process, the radionuclide is said to undergo radioactive decay, resulting in the emission of gamma ray(s) and/or subatomic particles such as alpha or beta particles. These emissions constitute ionizing radiation.

The federal government fed radioactive materials to children, to the wives of soldiers and even to pregnant women. They made soldiers walk directly into a cloud of radioactive dust immediately following an atomic bomb blast. Steve McQueen was one of those soldiers. He died of cancer. John Wayne made a movie in Utah directly down wind of a Nevada nuclear test site. He and a lot of others on that film The Barbarian died of cancer.

The US government said recently in court that they do not have sufficient funds to clean up the Hanford Washington site where the US has leaky tanks full or radioactive waste. This nuclear waste flows down the Colombia river to the Pacific Ocean. The state of Washington has noticed large releases of highly flammable methane (CH4) from the ocean floor. They have sent out ships to investigate. It is possible that the Hanford waste has joined with the Cesium 134 that has been tracked from Fukushima. Radiation can warm the water sufficiently to release methane gas which had been trapped by freezing temperatures of the water off the coast of Alaska. Large parts of the earth have had die offs when methane gas was released from the ocean floors. In the past an underwater volcano could have heated the water sufficiently to release large volumes of deadly methane gas.

The failure to clean up Hanford and Fukushima are criminally insane acts as was the open atmospheric testing of 1,200 nuclear weapons.

Did the government do these criminal acts because they had dedicated themselves to the destruction of normal human life or because they had the brains of a gerbil?

Nikola Tesla died January 7, 1943. The federal government seized 155 boxes of his notes and lab equipment. They did release some of the material but not all to the inventor’s native Yugoslavia. The federal government took Tesla’s inventions and added their own research over the past 70 years. They likely have alternative sources of power as well as anti-gravity devices. They do have planes capable of flying 40,000 mph in the atmosphere. They have incorporated some measure of anti-gravity into the B-2 bomber because the thrust is not sufficient to make the plane fly without it. They also have made advances in material sciences sufficient to allow the Black Triangle plane to fly at 40,000 mph without friction burning the skin of the air ship. The federal government has made significant advances in other areas. I for one believe they have developed a Universal Vaccine that makes the human body healthier.

The question is this: Why have they not shared those scientific advances with the rest of us? Is it because they want us to die because automation will remove our jobs and usefulness to the ruling class?

I have said this before: The US has 2 nuclear power plants on active earthquake fault lines in California and at least 6 near the New Madrid fault zones of its central states. Over the next several years America could experience 6 to 8 Fukushimas. Asia could experience an equal number. We are talking about the annihilation of the human race.

We need to immediately begin shutting down all nuclear power plants near active earthquake fault zone. and replacing their energy production with coal, Tesla technology or whatever is available to avoid human extinction.

Most politicians clearly have the brains of a gerbil. But Zbignew Brzezinski did say that it is easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. A quote like that makes you wonder about who is planning to do what to us.

The singer Bono flew from Dublin to Berlin in his Lear jet in November. The rear hatch to the luggage compartment flew off during the flight. This was caused by what scientists call the Wigner effect. The Wigner effect takes its toll on nuclear power plants, airplanes and human bodies.

I would like to devote the remainder of this article to a series of videos on Eugene Wigner and his works. A few months ago I read about the premature deaths of 10 race horses at Del Mar race track near San Diego. We can assume these horses were no older than 3 years which means they were born at the same time as the events of Fukushima. The newspapers were not allowed to mention the obvious answer which is that radiation caused their premature and unexpected deaths.

Eugene Wigner was a mathematician and physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project and after the war worked at the US research labs at Oak Ridge. The Wigner effect which is named after him is also known as the discomposition effect. It is the displacement of atoms in a solid caused by neutron radiation. This happens to aging nuclear power plants. It also occurs to metal, glass, humans, animals and plants that are exposed to ionizing radiation.

The creator of this video series collects photos of mutant plants and flowers.  The videos have a collection of stories regarding accelerated entropy for planes, helicopters and other machines. They also continue their reports of premature deaths for younger humans.

The engineer Battis talked in detail about the increase in oil pressure failures. Discomposition has increased the number of these events. The Wigner Effect works more on thin metal, joints and crimping so it does cause a loss of oil pressure and problems for landing gear.

The Fukushima meltdown released 210 quadrillion Becquerels of Cesium 137 at the beginning of the accident. A Becquerel is equal to one atomic disintegration per second. 30 billion Becquerels of Cesium 137 and 30 billion Becquerels of Strontium 90 are being released into the ocean every day.

This is a video play list from RadChick’s YouTube channel. The first video in this series is a short one introducing the concept of the Wigner Effect and the degradation of metal in airplanes. The rest in the series are titled below.

MAYDAY: The Wigner Effect

Part 1: Intro to the Wigner Effect and Entropy.

Wigner2: Metallurgy in Reactors & Planes. Radiation affects embrittlement of nuclear reactors.

Wigner3: Effect of Radiation on Glass

Wigner4: What Bomb Tests did to Cars

About horse237

I have decided to share two of the visions I had as a child. When I was eight, I had a vision of a future war that killed 99.5% of the world's population. When I was 16 and living in the projects, I had a vision of my future. I was to live in complete obscurity until it came time to stop WW III. When I was about ten, I had read a bio of Nikita Khrushchev which said he survived Stalin by playing the bumbling fool an old Russian peasant trick. I decided to do the same as I had already learned that we did not live in a democracy. The other vision I had when I was in third grade was of the Mind of God and how it interacted in the creation of the world we see. I believe you and I were born at this time precisely so we would have an opportunity to stop this war. As for my personal info, I grew up on military bases and in housing projects. My legs atrophied from starvation as a child. My second step-father died in prison. I used to have to rub my skin to simulate human contact. They did not feed me when I was a child. I do not fight in their wars as an adult.
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2 Responses to Wigner, Fukushima, Tesla, and the Brains of a Gerbil

  1. BMan says:

    You have embedded the same playlist over and over (not the individual videos you are promoting). FYI

  2. horse237 says:

    Thanks. I will correct that.

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