The Vaccines Are Worse Than Dr Mikovits Thought

Dr Judy Mikovits said that this coronavirus vaccine could kill 50 million Americans over the next 40 years. The versions being released by Pfizer and Moderna require storage at minus 70 degrees Celsius (minus 94 F) and might be far more deadly than even she originally estimated.

Why so cold? Children’s Health Defense explained in an August 6th article, “mRNA vaccines undergoing Covid-19 clinical trials, including the Moderna vaccine, rely on a nanoparticle-based “carrier system” containing a synthetic chemical called polyethylene glycol (PEG).”

The use of PEG (polyethylene glycol) in drugs and vaccines is increasingly controversial due to the well-documented incidence of adverse PEG-related immune reactions, including life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Roughly seven in ten Americans may already be sensitized to PEG, which may result in reduced efficacy of the vaccine and an increase in adverse side effects.

If a PEG-containing mRNA vaccine for Covid-19 gains FDA approval, the uptick in exposure to PEG will be unprecedented—and potentially disastrous.

Moderna documents and publications indicate that the company is well aware of safety risks associated with PEG and other aspects of its mRNA technology but is more concerned with its bottom line.

Lipid nanoparticles cause hyperinflammatory responses in the body, leading to severe reactions, hospitalization and potentially Death.

Why are LNPs (Lipid Nanoparticles) used in these vaccines? As Children’s Health Defense   further explains:

Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) “encapsulate the mRNA constructs to protect them from degradation and promote cellular uptake” and, additionally, rev up the immune system (a property that vaccine scientists tamely describe as LNPs’ “inherent adjuvant properties”)

In other words, the LNPs are adjuvants, meaning they are designed to cause hyperinflammatory responses in human beings, once injected. This is done in an effort to induce the creation of antibodies that then allow the vaccine manufacturer to claim high “effectiveness” rates, even when those very same adjuvants cause severe adverse reactions.

According to recent vaccine trials conducted by Moderna, 100% of human subjects in the high-dose vaccine trial group experienced adverse reactions.

So why are Moderna and Pfizer using mRNA (messenger RNA) in a vaccine? They want to reprogram human DNA as an experiment and see what happens to our progeny. Critics in the UK say a side effect is sterilization which is good for the Powers That Ought Not To Be because they want to rid the earth of 6 billion plus commoners.

Update at 4:50 AM. From the Australian Independent:

These new vaccines are in an entirely new class all by themselves. They are known as “messenger RNA” (mRNA) vaccines, and they work by hijacking the protein-making machinery in your cells…

When Moderna was just finishing its Phase I trial, The Independent wrote about the vaccine and described it this way: “It uses a sequence of genetic RNA material produced in a lab that, when injected into your body, must invade your cells and hijack your cells’ protein-making machinery called ribosomes to produce the viral components that subsequently train your immune system to fight the virus.”

“In this case, Moderna’s mRNA-1273 is programmed to make your cells produce the coronavirus’ infamous coronavirus spike protein that gives the virus its crown-like appearance (corona is crown in Latin) for which it is named,” wrote The Independent. End Update:

The Astra Zeneca vaccine does not require minus 70 degree Celsius storage and transport facilities because they are not using mRNA to reprogram the human body. But they are using a human fetus as an adjuvant. An adjuvant helps the vaccine to develop a heightened immune response. In this case they are using MRC-5 which is from the lung tissue  of an aborted 14 week old Caucasian male. Adjuvants stir up your immune system. MRC-5  which is the DNA from that aborted baby is seen by your body as an invasion and mounts a defense.

American children have so many vaccine injuries by the time they are 21 that over half have diseases and syndromes that nobody had seen in these numbers before the 1960s when Big Pharma began rolling out so many more vaccines.

Now we know why Israel has opted to use the Russian vaccine and refused Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca’s offers.

The modern diet, the pesticides, the herbicides, the vaccines and the drugs of Big Pharma have created an epidemic on inflammatory conditions in modern men, women and children. Are we prepared to treat hyperinflammatory cases by the tens of millions?

The Englishwoman in the video below shows the Astra Zeneca insert which admits to using MRC-5 or human fetus body parts. She also says that the British government is looking for an AI system to help them collate and interpret the information when vaccines injuries and deaths mount up.

Bill Gates once smirked and said people are not paying attention to this virus but they will pay attention to the next one.  (Are you prepared for Bioweapon 2?)

I think it is best that we skip this vaccine. Let everyone in the Gates family, in Big Pharma, in Corporate Media, on Wall Street, in the House and Senate, at the CDC and NIH take this vaccine first.

I confess to a love for animals so I think it is best that we skip animal testing when there are plenty of despicable human beings available.

Of course I would still refuse these vaccines because I do not believe Bill Gates should have the right to reprogram the DNA of 7 billion people just because he thinks it is a good idea.

The death rate is very low for people who were not going to die anyway from heart disease, cancer, COPD, drug overdoses, terminal kidney and liver diseases, automobile wrecks and suicide. If we all took vitamin D-3, the covid death rate would be less than the flu. I would add Quercetin and zinc to bring it even lower.

This is the article in which Dr Mikovits said 50 million Americans could die from this vaccine. But notice she does not mention the nanoparticles which could very easily be far more dangerous to human health than regular molecules which do produce inflammations. Hyperinflammations might cause serious illness and death.

Dr Mikovits: Vaccine Could Kill Tens of Millions in America

Dr Mikovits: Vaccine Could Kill Tens of Millions in America

I mentioned Bill Gates smirking while hinting at the release of Bioweapon 2.

Bill Gates Smirked. Will People Die?

Bill Gates Smirked. Will People Die?

I implied that the Corporate Media are as despicable as politicians and Big Pharma.

Matt Lauer made $25 million a year reading the morning news. He had perks. He demanded a button be placed on his desk so that he could electronically lock Gentile women inside his office. Matt Lauer raped women so badly that ambulances had to be called to his NBC office. But that was before The MeToo# Movement.

Whopping Tales Of The Mainstream

Whopping Tales Of The Mainstream

I must warn you that we are headed to a Depression far worse than 1933 America or 1923 Germany.

Just How Bad Will This Depression Get?

Just How Bad Will This Depression Get?

References: I must admit that when I first saw this article I decided to post part of it to warn everyone.

Their source was Children’s Health Defense

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About horse237

I have decided to share two of the visions I had as a child. When I was eight, I had a vision of a future war that killed 99.5% of the world's population. When I was 16 and living in the projects, I had a vision of my future. I was to live in complete obscurity until it came time to stop WW III. When I was about ten, I had read a bio of Nikita Khrushchev which said he survived Stalin by playing the bumbling fool an old Russian peasant trick. I decided to do the same as I had already learned that we did not live in a democracy. The other vision I had when I was in third grade was of the Mind of God and how it interacted in the creation of the world we see. I believe you and I were born at this time precisely so we would have an opportunity to stop this war. As for my personal info, I grew up on military bases and in housing projects. My legs atrophied from starvation as a child. My second step-father died in prison. I used to have to rub my skin to simulate human contact. They did not feed me when I was a child. I do not fight in their wars as an adult.
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33 Responses to The Vaccines Are Worse Than Dr Mikovits Thought

  1. paranoid goy says:

    Lipid=fat. Your cell walls are made of fat. Fat dissolvs in fat, that’s why you use soap (modified fat) to dissolve the grease on your dishes. Soap dissolves skin, causing lack of friction, causes the slippery feel of soap. To pass through the fatty cell wall, you need a fatty coating. Lipids, therefore, are a coating over their metallic drek that allows actual entry into your living cells, something not even a virus can do (it has a protein jacket). This is not new technology, this is systemic poison. Making up grand-sounding names like “lipid nano particles” makes it sound so, so, innocent, so, so, progressive and medicalishious.
    The scumbag cacastocrats have found a way to deliver anything they want, directly into your cellular structure.
    I offer this for fun:

  2. truthaholics says:

    Reblogged this on | truthaholics and commented:
    “American children have so many vaccine injuries by the time they are 21 that over half have diseases and syndromes that nobody had seen in these numbers before the 1960s when Big Pharma began rolling out so many more vaccines.

    Now we know why Israel has opted to use the Russian vaccine and refused Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca’s offers.”

  3. Fab Forceone says:

    Hi.I found this on the internet on a website Thoughts???



  4. so soon after the last post so must be lots of info coming fast. reposted as always on my blog;

  5. Pingback: The Vaccines Are Worse Than Dr Mikovits Thought | From the Trenches World Report

    • horse237 says:

      Please note the version I mailed does not contain this important update:

      Update at 4:50 AM. From the Australian Independent:

      These new vaccines are in an entirely new class all by themselves. They are known as “messenger RNA” (mRNA) vaccines, and they work by hijacking the protein-making machinery in your cells…

      When Moderna was just finishing its Phase I trial, The Independent wrote about the vaccine and described it this way: “It uses a sequence of genetic RNA material produced in a lab that, when injected into your body, must invade your cells and hijack your cells’ protein-making machinery called ribosomes to produce the viral components that subsequently train your immune system to fight the virus.”

      “In this case, Moderna’s mRNA-1273 is programmed to make your cells produce the coronavirus’ infamous coronavirus spike protein that gives the virus its crown-like appearance (corona is crown in Latin) for which it is named,” wrote The Independent. End Update:

      It has the same URL. My apologies.

  6. steve smitty says:

    Unless I’m mistaken, I’ve consumed massive quantities of PEG as a laxative with no effects except for relief so I don’t understand how a microscopic quantiy in a vaccine could be detrimental. I can’t speak for mRNA and all the other adjuvents but I suspect with the history of adverse reactions, none of them are good.

    • horse237 says:

      There is a difference between nanoparticles and larger particle in where they can go and what can they do.
      1) Blood brain barrier. Inflammations in brain anyone?
      2) Gut barrier has been having problems due to leaky gut by glyphosate. The gut barrier is a single layer of tissue that wraps around the intestines and the colon to protect you from pathogens. Sounds like nanoparticles could get inflammations going there as well as the brain. Hint: eat a high fiber diet, probiotics and B complex to maintain your gut barrier and avoid GMO.
      3) The endothelium lines the inside of blood vessels protecting them. So you can guess what happens to your blood and you if you take this version of the vaccine. Bill Gates likes it because your body is his to reprogram using mRNA (messenger RNA.)

    • paranoid goy says:

      Yeah, but eating a thing is very much completely and utterly, like, man, it’s nothing like, you know, like pumping it straight into the mainlain. Like, man!

  7. jimbobc2 says:

    Apparently, Big Pharma has taken a lesson from Black Widows (women who poison their husbands, using antifreeze, polyethylene glycol).

  8. Bob says:

    “Vaccines do not protect; they sensitize.” Viera Scheibner, PhD., author of Vaccination 100 Years of Orthodox Research represent an assault on the immune system.

  9. chrisirish67 says:

    just put all big pharma corporations out of business

  10. Pingback: A Cornucopia of Categorized Links Exploring & Exposing COVID-19 Lies & the Liars Who Tell Them (Regularly Updated Database) – Snooze 2 Awaken

  11. Bub says:

    Look up Dr. Stefan Lanka. He shows that never was a “virus” shown to exist. He is a microbiologist.
    If you pound on this issue, you will be more effective in fulfilling your mission. As long as you let it slip that a virus might exist, the weak-minded will run to Gates and other devils for help!
    Cut the evil from the roots!

    • horse237 says:

      I believe that our health is what protects us and not drugs or vaccines. But viruses are real. I ran into that theory 30 years ago. If everyone took Vitamin D-3, this would be no worse than a seasonal flu.

  12. brian richmond says:

    NAPROXEN is the preventative.

    • horse237 says:

      I disagree. If I were forced to tak a vaccine, I would take Astra Zeneca, but take 10 liposomal vitamin C 500 milligrams before and after the vaccination.
      Fortunately for me, I live in the boondocks so millions of people will have bad side effects before it gets to me so they might cancel.

  13. Pingback: The Vaccines Are Worse Than Dr Mikovits Thought | Video Rebel’s Blog | Thought Crime Radio

  14. NoFakeNews says:

    Reblogged this on

  15. Pingback: The Vaccines Are Worse Than Dr Mikovits Thought Posted on November 19, 2020 by horse237 Dr Judy Mikovits said that this coronavirus vaccine could kill 50 million Americans over the next 40 years. The versions being released by Pfizer and Moderna require s

  16. Pingback: The Vaccines Are Worse Than Dr Mikovits Thought | The PPJ Gazette

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  21. Pingback: Bóluefnin eru verri en Dr Mikovits taldi. Ertu undirbúinn fyrir Líftækni vopn 2? | Ingaorama

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