Israel’s Gift: The American Quagmires in Iraq And Afghanistan

“The role of the President of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel.”          Ann Lewis, sister of former Congressman Barney Frank

The idea that the best America could achieve in Iraq would be to divide the country into Kurdish, Sunni and Shi’ite sectors is not really new. It was an old idea in 1982 when Ze’ev Schiff, the military correspondent of Ha’aretz, first suggested it. (Ha’aretz 6/2/1982). It was also mentioned by Oded Yinon in that same year in A Strategy For Israel in the Nineteen Eighties.

Prior to that on June 7, 1981 Israel bombed an Iraqi nuclear project at Osirak. Iraq had purchased an Osiris class nuclear reactor from France in 1976. The Israelis waited until the Iraqis had spent a lot of money and resources before destroying it with a preemptive strike. This coincided with the Israeli election cycle. Three weeks after Osirak, Menachem Begin trounced Shimon Peres at the polls because the latter did not understand the Israeli voters’ desire to bomb Arabs. That is provided no Israelis die.

Harvard physicist Richard Wilson after the attack concluded that the facility was not suited for production of weapons-grade plutonium.

On June 8, 1967 The Israelis killed 34 Americans on the USS Liberty. A BBC press release for the documentary Dead in the Water said that President Johnson, who had been told by the Israelis that Egypt had done it, sent jets from a carrier to attack Egypt with nuclear weapons. The American embassy in Cairo did receive a message saying that the US was going to bomb Cairo. The US avoided nuclear war because the Liberty survivors were able to radio that they had been attacked by Israel. The planes were recalled.

The Israelis have always been willing to fight to the last American.

On September 22, 1980 Iraq attacked Iran which began an eight year war. Earlier that year I had read in the Rothschild owned Economist magazine that this war would be a great thing to do . The first thought I had was the increased profits from higher oil prices for Rothschild owned Shell and Rockefeller owned Exxon.

On September 11, 1990 President George Herbert Walker Bush addressed a joint session of Congress about the forthcoming Persian Gulf war against Iraq. He called for a New World Order. This is significant because it was exactly 11 years to the day before Israel was allowed by his son’s administration to take down World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 with controlled demolitions. The New World order is to consist of regional associations of nations like the European Union which some have called Rothschild land. The North American Union is coming into fruition via President Obama’s Open Borders which is an attempt to equalize crime rates and wages between Mexico and the United States with Canada to follow. The NWO would integrate these regional unions as subsidiary entities under a central governing body. The guiding principle of the Supreme Council of the NWO would be: One Bank One Vote. People who do not own a bank would become debt slaves with no meaningful voting rights.

On February 26, 1991 Iraq’s Foreign Minister had accepted the Soviet cease fire proposal to end the Persian Gulf War by adhering to UN Resolution 660 to leave Kuwait. The Iraqi Army began preparations to leave at 5:35 p.m. (Eastern standard Time). They left on two highways. The US attacked the lead and trailing trucks and tanks in both columns. This trapped the Iraqis and became known as the Highway of Death. Seymour Hersh said hundreds of captured and therefore disarmed survivors of this shooting gallery were shot by US forces.

Some think of this Highway of Death War Crime as America’s Purim Gift to the people of Israel. Purim was celebrated on February 28th in 1990. Purim is a Jewsih holiday. It began in ancient Persia. Mordecai was jealous of Haman, the king’s chief of staff. Some rabbis say Esther was Mordecai’s wife because their law permits marriage to a niece. In any event Moredcai’e niece Esther married the Persian king and persuaded him to kill Haman, his ten sons and 75,000 Persians the Jews did not like. The First Purim is sort of like 911 and the War on Terror. American is seduced by Israel into killing a long list of people the Israelis do not like.

After the strong secular Muslim states are destroyed and turned into small warring states, the New World Order would like to integrate what is left of these nations into a Mideast Union which would be joined at the hip to the European Union. Then we can all live happily ever after in Rothschild land. Well maybe most of us would have to die because we oppose the NWO. And maybe most of the survivors will not be happy and like life as a penniless downtrodden debt slave in the NWO.

Richard Perle who holds dual citizenship with Israel wrote A Clean Break: A Strategy for Defending the Realm in 1996. He did this for Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Richard Perle is on the very powerful Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Society. In Clean Break he argued for the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. Perle also advocated an engagement in proxy warfare with Syria over their possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction (chemical weapons.) Perle advised Israel to ally themselves with Turkey and Jordan to rollback Syria and to refuse negotiation for peace with Palestine.

Since Perle wrote A Clean Break, the US went to war with Iraq in 2003. Obama pulled out of Iraq but left behind thousands of spies, assassins and mercenaries. In 2012 The US trained ISIS in Jordan and used them to destabilize Syria killing Christians and Muslims in 2013. In 2014 they were sent into Iraq because America had not yet done enough harm to the Iraqi people on behalf of the Israelis. David Wurmser said that the 2003 invasion of Iraq had solved Israel’s Palestinian problem.

Please note that the strategy of proxies invading Syria was in the Clean Break document back in 1996 long before the US and the Mossad paid Al Qaeda and others to kill Syrians. The US and the Zionist controlled media made several allegations that Syria was using sarin gas against their people. But it appeared first in the Clean Break Document. And the American mercenaries in Al Qaeda were the only ones to use sarin gas against civilians or anyone else for that matter.

Finally, Perle advised the Israelis to move from a doctrine of retaliation to one of preemptive strikes. But they had done that already with the strike at Osirak.

The Clean Break Document advocated taking on Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel did that in 2006 with disastrous results. The Israeli Army and Air Force could not defeat 3,400 regular fighters and a few thousand volunteers in the tunnels underneath Lebanon. In 2014 the Israelis lost a lot of men from their elite Golani brigade in the tunnels under Gaza. Not everything is going Israel’s way. Syria is emerging as a more powerful state. And people around the world have seen through the Zionist lies about chemical weapons.

Richard Perle went back to America where he served on the Defense Policy Board and joined the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) which was founded in 1997. Other members were William Kristol, David Kagan, Douglas Feith, Eliot Abrams, John Bolton, Robert Zoellick, David Wurmser and Paul Wolfowitz. All of the above named men are Jewish. PNAC does have a few Gentile members. PNAC also insisted on regime change in Iraq which is what Perle had said in A Clean Break. In Israel’s eyes Iraq’s sin was to support the Palestinians.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and his Deputy at the DOD Paul Wolfowitz set up the Office of Special Plans at the Pentagon. They placed Canadian Jew Douglas Feith in charge. They channeled fake intelligence from the Israelis directly into the White House bypassing any analysis and verification from the CIA. John Bolton served as Deputy Secretary of State for Arms Control and helped PNAC push against Saddam Hussein on the issue of WMDs. Bolton later became UN ambassador. He said he was very happy when the US withdrew from the International Criminal Court because the Bush administration understandably wanted to exempt Americans from war crimes prosecution.

The most controversial aspect of PNAC’s publication Rebuilding America’s Defenses might be Section V which said their policies would not be accepted by the public unless America had a New Pearl Harbor. Equally controversial was the call for a Pax Americana. Robert Kagan actually said America should be an Empire. Kagan advised Republican Presidents but also advised Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State under Obama. His wife Victoria Nuland works at the Obama State Department as Assistant Secretary for European Affairs. She became famous when a phone call was leaked. She made disparaging remarks about  the EU. She also made known her choice of a fellow Jew to replace the elected President of the Ukraine in that 5 billion dollar American coup in the Ukraine.

That need for a New Pearl Harbor became the title of a book critical of the 911 Commission report. Obviously, Israel did 911 with the assistance of Jewsih people in the US government. This was covered up by other Jewsih people in the media, the schools and the Foundations.

America has become stuck in quagmires in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Recently, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki was forced down. He opposed an agreement to exempt American soldiers from war crimes prosecution. He was replaced by an Iraqi who left the country to live in Britain when he was 17 years-old. There are problems with the succession in Afghanistan because the exemption from prosecution for war crimes is not popular with the voters.

America first got involved with Afghanistan before the Russian invasion. The Carter administration’s NSA chief Zbigniew Brzezinski began operations to goad the Russians into invading. Four million Afghan people died because Brzezinski wanted to bankrupt the old Soviet Union. Zbigniew Brzezinski is famous for having said, “It is far  easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.”

But now America is approaching bankruptcy because she is asked to fight endless and open ended wars for Israel. Do American politicians and media pundits not realize that what bankrupted the Russians will also bankrupt the Americans especially if they attacked two nations at once?

What you must realize is that the Israeli Firsters do not care what happens to America. If Americans do not realize this fact very, very soon, America and the world is doomed.

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About horse237

I have decided to share two of the visions I had as a child. When I was eight, I had a vision of a future war that killed 99.5% of the world's population. When I was 16 and living in the projects, I had a vision of my future. I was to live in complete obscurity until it came time to stop WW III. When I was about ten, I had read a bio of Nikita Khrushchev which said he survived Stalin by playing the bumbling fool an old Russian peasant trick. I decided to do the same as I had already learned that we did not live in a democracy. The other vision I had when I was in third grade was of the Mind of God and how it interacted in the creation of the world we see. I believe you and I were born at this time precisely so we would have an opportunity to stop this war. As for my personal info, I grew up on military bases and in housing projects. My legs atrophied from starvation as a child. My second step-father died in prison. I used to have to rub my skin to simulate human contact. They did not feed me when I was a child. I do not fight in their wars as an adult.
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10 Responses to Israel’s Gift: The American Quagmires in Iraq And Afghanistan

  1. RIMILITIA says:

    When Bill Clinton was Elected President he said he was going to have a Cabinet that Reflected America. 50% of his Cabinet was Jews!
    Great Quote to you Horse 237:
    Freedom suppressed and again regained bites with keener fangs than freedom never endangered. Marcus T. Cicero
    God Bless and be with you Freedom friend.

  2. Pingback: Israel’s Gift: The American Quagmires in Iraq And Afghanistan |

  3. Greg Bacon says:

    After the first “Operation Desert Slaughter” in 1991 had ended, Iraqi soldiers by the thousands surrendered to US forces.

    Some of these POW’s were rewarded by having bulldozers push mountains of dirt over their bunkers, burying the Iraqi’s alive.

    Shades of WWII when Eisenhower murdered over one million German soldiers who had surrendered.

    When these Jew psychos get done with the troops, they’ll be coming after the rest of us GOYIM, like they have in Ferguson, Mo which was just a warm-up for the real thing.

  4. jintampa says:

    I was under the impression that Jeb Bushie was also a member/co-author of PNAC? Please correct me if I am wrong about this.

  5. Pingback: Israel’s Gift: The American Quagmires in Iraq And Afghanistan | THE INTERNET POST

  6. DTJ says:

    Sorry unconnected to post but worth knowing

    Russia turns to Israel for fruit during boycott

    This shift in Russia’s import market comes as buyers in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, and some European countries have began refusing to buy Israeli mangoes in light of Operation Protective Edge.

    Amir Porat of Adom Fruits said that despite a Montreal supermarket chain announcing its boycott on Israeli goods, his other buyers in Canada remained interested in Israeli agricultural products.

    “My customer is happy to receive Israeli products, he’s clearly pro-Israel and very satisfied with the produce,” said Porat. He did acknowledge that not all of Canada shared the sentiment.

    Russia is israel’s BEST Friend!

    What Russia and Israel have in common?
    Americans now see Russia as the United States’ top foreign foe, as its image across the Pacific Ocean hits lows not seen in decades.

    But on that second count, Russia is actually in some good company — with no less than America’s top ally in the region: Israel.

    Putin: ‘I support the struggle of Israel’

    Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday met with a delegation of rabbis, led by Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, and rabbis of the Rabbinical Center of Europe (RCE).

    “I follow closely what’s going on in Israel,” said Putin during the long meeting, which was held in Moscow.

    “I support the struggle of Israel as it attempts to protect its citizens. I also heard about the shocking murder of the three youths. It is an act that cannot be allowed, and I ask you to transmit my condolences to the families,” added the Russian president, in referring to the abduction and murder of three teens in June by Hamas terrorists.

    • horse237 says:

      Russia has a strong Jewish Lobby. The Rothschilds are invested in Russia. Putin never delivered the S-300 anti-missile system to Iran. They never sold them their ISKANDER missile which even in its export version has Mach 5.5 speed. Fast enough to send the Persian Gulf Feet running for cover. But they are selling fast missiles including the S-400 to China which they will sell to Iran. Of course the dollar will collapse by then. And Hamas did not kidnap the 3 teenagers. The Israeli police said so. I know you realize that.

    • truth4ever99 says:


      Since your sources of information came from:
      1) The Washington Post
      2) Israel National News
      They are the Zionist controlled media mouth pieces of the great “Masters of Deception”, therefore, in my opinion, the credibility of the information is very doubtful, if not just disinformation.

      Remember the same media outlets reported:

      1) Iraq’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction” before U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003?

      2) 19 Arabs with their box cutters hijacked 4 airplanes on 9-11-2001?

      3) Osama bin Laden died twice: first time in December 2001, second time on May 2, 2011?

      LOL !

  7. DTJ says:

    You’re parroting Mark Glen who by censoring me, hid from you the Video proof of the meeting I have posted
    Video proof of the meetimg from RT

    Pics of the meeting

    Russia, Israel Sign Military Cooperation Agreement (From US Radio Free Europe)
    Russia and Israel today signed an agreement on military cooperation.

    Details of the deal inked by the countries’ defense ministers in Moscow were not immediately disclosed. But Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said Moscow was “studying seriously and attentively” the experiences and practices of Israel’s military as it modernizes its army.

    His Israeli counterpart, Ehud Barak, said Israel was “ready to continue sharing experience with the Russian military on fighting terrorism and ensuring security, including by using air drones.”

    Barak also met with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who said, “We have purchased several unmanned aerial vehicles in Israel. We have launched a few satellites in Israel’s interests. We are examining the possibility of equipping Israeli airplanes with our instruments and laser equipment.”

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