Things To Come Before November 2024

I am absolutely certain the US dollar will die before the November 2024 elections. I am also certain that we will have Nationwide Food Riots before the end of summer 2024. I have also said before that America might not be able to have presidential elections in 2024.

Dmitry Medvedev, the former Russian President, predicted a civil war in the US as well as the collapse of the US dollar. He sees the Civil War as between the GOP and liberals. I see it more as a reaction to deadly fights over unaffordable food in the stores. Those Nationwide Food Riots could easily become race based in major American cities.

Dmitry Medvedev also predicted the collapse of the euro, the pound and the European Union. I agree. As I said before, Sergey Glazyev, the Minister for Macroeconomics and Integration for the Eurasian Union, wants to invite the Global South to join BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). He wants to offer them a form of worldwide Debt Cancellation. Anyone joining BRICS can refuse to repay any loans denominated in dollars, pounds, euros and yen. That will trigger 2 quadrillion dollars in derivatives and destroy the finances of all non-BRICS nations.

Medvedev is currently Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council so he does know how Russia and China plan to take down the dollar. The US dollar is currently accepted to settle international payments. The US prints I Owe You Nothing Federal Reserve Notes by the trillions and gets people overseas to accept them. That is how the US can afford to pay for 857 overseas military bases. Foreigners live in homelands occupied by American soldiers because they are willing to accept worthless American paper as gold. That will come to an end not long after the US loses badly in the Ukraine.

The US seized $2 trillion in foreign assets through sanctions including $300 billion most recently from Russia. When the dollar is no longer treated as gold, Americans will have to pay $20,000 for 2 ounces of the yellow metal to get a gold letter of credit to buy anything from Asia, Latin America or Europe. American wages will be permanently cut 60% which will add fuel to that Civil War bonfire.

A Second Civil War can only be avoided through Debt Cancellation paid for by the assets seized from the men who stole $30 trillion from taxpayers as documented by Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr Mark Skidmore. The new government would also have to offer us bank and monetary reform.

Medvedev also predicted the unification of the 6 counties of Northern Ireland with the 26 counties of Ireland. That is entirely possible.

Medvedev also believes Germany will become a powerhouse with many nations choosing to follow them after the European Union collapses. That is possible if Russia begins to sell them enough oil and natural gas to fire up their industries again. Of course Russia would only be willing to do that after the Germans dump the US, NATO and the EU.

The EU was never anything but Rothschild land anyway.

Medvedev is Jewish but said nothing about either Israel or Iran. Iran is now a strategic Russian ally. The have been given the Kinzhal Mach 12 missiles which digs a 30 meter (98 feet) deep hole where its target was. I think they were also upgraded to the S-400 which had been promised to them but denied in the past until now. Iran will push back against the Americans in Iraq and in Syria. Not much either the US or Israel will be able to do about that.

There will be a lot of backlash against immigrants after the EU, the pound and the euro die. People in Europe will be fighting over even scarcer resources than the Americans. At least rural Americans can fish, shoot most of the 30 million deer, 6 million wild hogs and 200 million rabbits plus raise food in gardens. Things will not be so good for people in the cities.

There are other major events in our future for which there is no timeline.

Elon Musk did a video on the Carrington event of 1859. It was a coronal mass ejection from the Sun that today could knock out the world’s power grid which would kill billions. We need to protect our transformers and power grid as soon as we stop wasting money on wars for Wall Street an Israel.

We entered a Grand Solar Minimum in 2020 much like the Maunder Minimum of 1645 – 1715 during which the weather was so bad that the price of wheat in the UK in some years spiked 400% higher. In France the price of food went up 600% during the Big Freeze of 1709. The top meter (nearly 40 inches) of the ground froze after 3 volcanoes had erupted sending ash into the sky blocking the sun.

In a Grand Solar Minimum the Sun becomes less magnetically active which allows more nuclear particles from distant stars to strike the earth energizing major earthquakes and volcanoes. During the Maunder Minimum there was an earthquake on the New Madrid fault on Christmas Day 1699. In 1811-1812 during the Dalton Minimum there were 4 earthquakes on the New Madrid fault from Memphis to St Louis.

In October of 2024 we will have the same planetary alignment as in 79 AD when Mt Vesuvius destroyed Pompeii. The 4 gas giants (Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter) will form a square.

People do not seem to realize how much more devastating a major volcano is than an earthquake. In 1815 Mt Tambora in Indonesia erupted and sent so much ash into the upper atmosphere that it caused “1816 year without a summer.” Farmers in America sowed their seeds. A frost killed their crops. They sowed their seeds again, only to lose their crops again to another freeze. We have added 320 million people since 1816 counting illegal aliens. One volcano like Tambora could kill a few billion people.

We are already suffering huge crop losses worldwide. That recent polar vortex severely damaged  America’s winter wheat.

In 1906 a man was riding a horse in Marin county just north of San Francisco when the earthquake threw the road 20 feet. The horse was spooked and ran home. People who have never been in an earthquake do not seem to realize that roads can be thrown 20 feet (6.1 meters) which would not be good for thousands of people in cars, trucks and buses. A major quake would also destroy water, natural gas, sewer and oil pipelines, roads, freeways, schools, hospitals, prisons and homes. There would be no fire department, no water, no electricity and very likely no police and no food stores.

One problem is that a lot of US oil and natural gas is sent across country by a million miles (1,610,900 Kms) of pipes. An earthquake would shut down the economy across the country for weeks.

There is another problem that America faces off the coast of Washington state, the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate. In 1700 there was a major earthquake from Vancouver Island in Canada  all the way (1,000 kms or 600 miles) to northern California. Lots of cities would be destroyed. A tsunami would wipe out coastal areas.

Californians would not be surprised to learn that Reno, Nevada is 25 miles (40.2 Kms) west of Los Angeles California. They expect parts of California to drop off into the Pacific Ocean.

It is time to get out of dollars, pounds, euros and yen. It is time to move away from earthquake fault zones and volcanoes. A woman in New Zealand used a rag to open the safe in her restaurant because she was next door to a volcano whose heat made her safe unbearably hot. Time for people in dangerous areas to move.

If you move to a rural area, remember that farms without water are worthless. And we are in for 40 years of bad weather so stay away from frigid areas though Alaska fared well during the Maunder Minimum and they do have lots of fish, game and wild berries.

I recently wrote about the economic ideas proposed Robert Heinlein in his first novel. Suffice to say he could save us from national bankruptcy and eliminate taxes on couples making less than $100,000 a year and give them cash grants of $10,000 for their first child and $6,000 for the second. Robert Heinlein’s Solution To Our Economic Woes:

I mentioned that the US will lose big in the Ukraine. Zelensky is Jewish and has been willing to sacrifice Gentile Ukrainians so he can rake in a billion plus dollars in graft from the US, the UK and the EU. I recently wrote that as soon as the Ukrainian frontline at least partially collapses the Russians will make 3 moves. A smaller one towards Kiev to tie down the Ukrainian army and to cut off supplies from Poland. A strong force from the Donbass will take Pokrvosk which is a major supply center for the Ukrainian frontlines. And a major force from Russia will bypass Kharkov and head towards Kramatorsk. The Russians will cut off Ukrainian and more importantly 40,000 NATO troops fighting in the Donbass from food, ammunition and diesel. The war will end badly for Biden:  Ukraine Da, WW III Nyet:

I mentioned Iran’s acquisition of the Russian Mach 12 Kinzhal missile which can dig a 30 meter (98 foot) hole at its target location. I think the US Dollar will die long before the November 2024 elections. This will give Iran an opportunity to right some wrongs in their region. See this: Iran: Summer Offensive 2023?

For more details about the collapse of the US Dollar. See this:Identity Politics To End Very Soon:

You will find other articles of interest below.

I recently wrote that I believe more than half of the people in the world will die over the next 10 years. The Coming Mass Die Off:

I recently wrote that the Globalists lost the US Midterm elections because their agenda will destroy them.

I have an odd sense of humor. Recently, I explained why I thought Hunter Biden would be an improvement over his father as President. The President of China would tell him to stop the war in the Ukraine. China is also opposed to GMO food and glyphosate. China is also opposed to mRNA vaxxes. And Hunter would have to fire all of the Neocons in his dad’s cabinet:

I mentioned the fact that we face high food prices due to bad weather. We can also expect intense earth changes. In the Maunder Minimum food prices spiked 400% higher in certain years in the UK and 600% in 1709 in France. 2020s: Surviving The Cold, The Quakes And Volcanoes:

I recently explained why I thought everything was going to blow up in the faces of the ruling Elite in the next 3 to 6 months.

I recently wrote about Russia getting Germany away from US control:Prying Germany Away From American Subjugation:

In another recent article I explained why I thought Putin would want to unify North and South Korea to get them control of the computer chip market and to balance the rising power of China.

Putin To Unite Korea: Checkmate:

Other Articles of Interest:

60,000 ethnic Russian children from the Donbass were kidnapped by the Ukrainians and are likely to become victims of human traffickers. As Lara Logan said, child victims of sex traffickers rarely live more than 2 years. Please do what you can to save them:

I recently wrote of the mind boggling levels of corruption in the Pentagon. Tens of trillion dollars missing. This corruption has shortened the life span of the American Empire:DOD Corruption: Proof and Consequences:

Another Natural Cure For Cancer. Why Haven’t You Heard About It? Hint Because it’s free!!

I expect America to be de-populated due to Covid vaxxes being lethal long term, especially the boosters. This is my most up to date article on their current bioweapon. Covid was made in a lab, most likely by Moderna and then passed onto a lab at the University of North Carolina. Covid Truths.

This Is The ‘Spartacus COVID Letter’ Written By A Medical Professional That Went Viral.“Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America”

In the future you will have to raise your own food to make sure you get something to eat. And you will have to learn how to prevent disease. To learn about gardening in a Grand Solar Minimum try this:The Wisdom of Mother Nature.

I went more deeply into the alarming increase in the velocity of money here:

Davos Plans To Starve A Billion People To Death:

This is one of my more recent articles. It sparked a lot of attention if you had not seen it.Gonzalo Lira On Ukraine, NATO and Our Future:

This article should receive more attention than it did:Putin’s Words, Putin’s Deeds:

I recently wrote a 2 part series.

Part I was: The US Government Is A Criminal Enterprise:

Part II was: WW III Has Begun: You Are The Enemy:

Arnold Leese wrote about the longstanding relationship between Judaism Inc and China: THE JEWISH ROTTING OF CHINA. Read it here:

David Rothkopf said the world is ruled by the 30 families and their 6,000 Minions. One group they use to control politics and the media is the Bilderberg Society. Jens Stoltenberg is a member of the powerful Steering Committee and the head of NATO. The Bilderbergers got us into the disastrous war in the Ukraine. After their last meeting he said that the war should end and the Ukraine should ask for terms. For the past 10 years I have published short bios of everyone attending the Bilderberg meeting.

One of my most popular articles of late has been on Catherine Austin Fitts conclusion that the Globalists have been using various means including covid vaxxes to poison us. She said in a video that they want to poison the US military. She also said she thought all this gender confusion nonsense was designed to destroy families because in the future they want to gene edit babies so they are not quite human.Catherine Austin Fitts And The Great Poisoning.

1990s: Dr Fauci Killed 80 Black And Latino Children.

My most popular article in recent years was this:Deagel: 233 Million Americans To Die Before The End Of 2025.

On the theme of the Great Reset. I wrote the following two companion articles. The first tells how the Bankers plan to take everything you own. And the second tells you how they plan to kill you after they have bled you dry on drugs and medical care.

The Great Reset: Part One.

The Great Reset: Depopulation.

I am also interested in 911.

Resurrecting Israel Did 911. All the Proof In The World:

Did you know that a billion dollars in gold and silver went missing from the COMEX vault at the World Trade Center the night before 911? What did Osama bin Laden do? Did he impersonate David Rockefeller from his hospital bed in Pakistan? 911 Truths.

The best authority on the 911 attack at the Pentagon is Barbara Honegger. On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld admitted that $2.3 trillion had gone missing from the Pentagon. On 9-11-2001 the auditors tracing the Missing Trillions were killed. Barbara Honegger And The Pentagon Attack Papers

So far this century has been a Jewish century as was the 20th. You need to understand Jewish people and more importantly the mind of their self-appointed leaders.

Zionist Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Fatal But Treatable Social Disease.In a Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder the stress is the outcome of an imaginary episode set in the future; an event that has never taken place.

Israel Shahak: The Laws Against Non-Jews In 2 Minutes

Quotes About Jews You Will Never Hear In Schools.

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.

Holy Holohoax. My Government Wouldn’t Lie To Me.

Video- Ernst Zundel: Jewish Voraciousness Will Create Weimar Like Conditions In America And A Final Solution For the Jews In The US.

We Are Not Anti-Semites We Merely Oppose The Psychopathic Religion Judaism.

The Psychopathology Of Being Jewish And Getting Away With It.

Conversations With Young Assimilated Jewish People.

Read this before planning your future health needs:Video: Enzymes, Cancer And Healthy Blood Pressure.

These articles should also be of interest:

Update: America’s Secret Multi-Trillion Dollar Black Ops Slush Fund.

Screw Up: 8 Million Americans Are On The List To Be Disappeared.

You can read about Kim Dotcom’s analysis that America is way beyond broke here:

This is Julian Assange’s explanation of the war in Afghanistan as a money maker. Please share it. It applies to the Ukraine.

The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe and back into the hands of the transnational security elite. Julian Assange.

This is the article about velocity of money from Bloomberg, posted at Zero Hedge.

Velocity’s Back And It’s Taking Inflation With It

This is the article about Catherine Austin Fitts and the poisoning of the public.

Finally, I promised you some information on the Carrington event. I discovered today that Elon Musk has a Youtube channels. Only a few of his videos were of interest to me. Try this:

You can read more about Heinlein’s first novel here:,_the_Living

About horse237

I have decided to share two of the visions I had as a child. When I was eight, I had a vision of a future war that killed 99.5% of the world's population. When I was 16 and living in the projects, I had a vision of my future. I was to live in complete obscurity until it came time to stop WW III. When I was about ten, I had read a bio of Nikita Khrushchev which said he survived Stalin by playing the bumbling fool an old Russian peasant trick. I decided to do the same as I had already learned that we did not live in a democracy. The other vision I had when I was in third grade was of the Mind of God and how it interacted in the creation of the world we see. I believe you and I were born at this time precisely so we would have an opportunity to stop this war. As for my personal info, I grew up on military bases and in housing projects. My legs atrophied from starvation as a child. My second step-father died in prison. I used to have to rub my skin to simulate human contact. They did not feed me when I was a child. I do not fight in their wars as an adult.
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2 Responses to Things To Come Before November 2024

  1. Alethea says:

    I just looked up the big earthquakes in NZ, they happened on our Sth Is Alpine Fault during both minimums. They have been saying that fault is overdue and there will be a big unzip!

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